Why Not Buy Disposable Furniture?


Disposable Furniture, we get it. It looks ok, the price is right, and filling up your entire home with designer furniture isn’t cheap. So, why not succumb to convenience and kit-out the whole house from your local Scandinavian behemoth?

Well for starters, a room full of LACK and VÖID looks like what it is: a room that fell out of a catalogue.

You’re better than that.

If having predictably boring interior furnishings doesn’t worry you in the slightest, then perhaps you’ll be moved by the plight of the little guy?

As a Melbourne-made manufacturer, we take pride in ethically sourcing high quality timbers and hand-crafting each piece for our customers. Call us old-fashioned but we love what we do, and in a sea of fast-furniture, we think it has more value than ever.

And if that doesn’t tear at your heart-strings, what about sustainability vs. disposability?! Fast-furniture is designed for obsolescence: both in terms of quality and in style. IKEA sells a bookcase every 5 seconds! We’d love to believe that they’re all still being used in 20 years, but they simply aren’t. We make our pieces to be loved and enjoyed for a lifetime, not a season.

When it comes to buying a quality, locally made piece of furniture, it’s not only an investment in your home, it’s an investment in local business and our environment too!

For more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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