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Sustainable Forestry and IKEA


Sustainable Forestry and IKEA

When you think of Ikea what springs to mind? Yellow and blue? Meatballs? Getting stuck in a one-way system in a furniture store? I bet it’s one of the three; moreover, I bet sustainable forestry doesn’t even enter your thinking!

Well, Ikea are really into sustainable forestry; it’s incredibly important to them. Wood is their main material so it stands to reason that they would look to preserve it and use it wisely.

Renewable and Recyclable Material

As a durable, renewable and recyclable material; wood ticks a lot of boxes in Ikeas eyes and that’s why they have committed to all of their wood coming from sustainable sources as defined by the FSC by the end of 2020.

Ikea are absolutely serious on this matter and their commitment is plain to see; Mikhail Tarasov their Global Forestry Manager had this to say:

“We’re promoting the adoption of sustainable forestry methods. We do this in order to influence others and also to contribute to the important work of ending deforestation”.

Ikea’s progress toward their commendable aims has been admirable; by 2017 they had reached their goal of using 100% wood from more sustainable sources in several countries and 100% wood from sustainable sources in countries where, traditionally, there has been less stringent forestry management.

So don’t be surprised if Ikea hit their goals by 2020; their progress has been remarkable and they are clearly committed to achieving it. Their products are continually being redesigned with sustainable wood sources in mind and they are also using more of the raw material wood that they use to reduce the amount of waste and contribute towards the sustainability agenda further. This is all part of their “more from less” initiative which is an intrinsic part of their company culture.

So there you go, maybe you’ve learnt something you didn’t know about Ikea; they certainly aren’t your average multinational corporate entity.
